Any time a new horror film comes out that looks appealing, I'm always excited to go see it. Alex Breckenridge appealexcitefilm Change image and share on social
And I think that still is true of this business - which is basically research and development - that you probably spend more time in planning and training and designing for things to go wrong, and how you cope with them, than you do for things to go right. Alan Shepard basicallybusinesscope share on social
It's a funny thing about me. I don't have any interest in food most of the time now, although when I was a kid I was always hungry. Alan Ladd foodfunnyhungry Change image and share on social
I like working with south Indian directors because they are very disciplined. They visualize their entire story and screenplay in their heads even before they start shooting, which I respect. They finish their work on time. Being a disciplinarian myself, this suits my style. Akshay Kumar directordisciplinariandiscipline share on social
Journalists ask me all the time, 'Akshay, do you believe in the numbers game?' My standard response: 'I can't count, that's why I have producers and accountants who calculate for me. As long as I have them in my life, I don't need to worry about numbers!' Akshay Kumar accountantakshaycalculate share on social
By the time I was seven, I did a sonnet at Shakespeare's Globe theatre for Shakespeare's birthday because my dad had been at the first season of the Globe and was friends with the artistic director. Somehow, that lead to me doing a sonnet! Alfred Enoch artisticbirthdaydad share on social
I think it's irresponsible when celebrities imply they're doing it all themselves. My son has aunties and uncles around all the time, and my husband is my hero. He's really full-on. I couldn't do it any other way. Alanis Morissette auntiecelebrityfull share on social
For four to six months at a time, I would barely eat. I lived on a diet of Melba toast, carrots, and black coffee. Alanis Morissette barelyblackcarrot Change image and share on social
We are just fanatics about using the technology to make it all wonderful. We laughed at the fact that we were having such a great time working this way. Al Jarreau factfanaticgreat Change image and share on social
Same thing, like my commercials are often times really funny because I tend to find 30 seconds is a really good amount of time to tell a joke. Alex Winter amountcommercialfind Change image and share on social