It's time for women to wake up, to use the power of the vote, to honor the suffragists who chained themselves to the White House fence so that women could vote. Madeleine M. Kunin chainfencehonor Change image and share on social
Some of the most innovative things in football I see at high school games. It's not the play - it's when you run it. The right time. Bud Grant footballgamehigh Change image and share on social
You've got something really angsty for me to play? Bring it on. Most of the time, I'm goofing around and doing impressions of people, so that's nice. Kieran Bew angstybringgoof Change image and share on social
God hath given to man a short time here upon earth, and yet upon this short time eternity depends. Jeremy Taylor dependeartheternity Change image and share on social
My process is to be by myself when I record. It's quite an emotional performance to pull off when someone else is in the room. I prefer to go away and have my own time with it, bring it in later. Kimbra bringemotionalperformance Change image and share on social
When you're travelling, your day is jam-packed. I just don't have time to whip out a PC all the time. But I can whip out a BlackBerry and tweet. I keep a constant diary of where I'm at and why I'm there. Kevin O'Leary blackberryconstantday share on social
The second time around, I'll understand that, as a husband, my wife doesn't care about my opinions. I just need to tell her the things that will continue to help me stack the brownie points. Kevin Hart browniecarecontinue Change image and share on social
While the Ark Encounter will be able to accommodate 16,000 guests per day, our consultant's research has shown that we could possibly expect more than that during the first few weeks of opening, especially during the summer time frame. Ken Ham 000accommodateark share on social
I had to tell Dad, 'It will be okay and be positive; keep praying and have faith'. I have always known about cancer, but to be around someone who has it and to see what it does in such a short space of time was hard. It makes you think about your life, about what is important. Jermain Defoe cancerdadfaith share on social
If you nurture your mind, body, and spirit, your time will expand. You will gain a new perspective that will allow you to accomplish much more. Brian Koslow accomplishbodyexpand Change image and share on social