When we see the shadow on our images, are we seeing the time 11 minutes ago on Mars? Or are we seeing the time on Mars as observed from Earth now? It's like time travel problems in science fiction. When is now; when was then? Bill Nye agoearthfiction share on social
When I was in the business as a young performer, it was a recognised fact that when you got to 60 you were out, because there'd be a new crop of comics coming up all the time, every 10 years or so. Bruce Forsyth businesscomecomic Change image and share on social
I haven't been really nervous about a gig in a long time. Bill Engvall giglongnervous Change image and share on social
Kickstarter was already up and going when I got the Fellowship. Spending time with the other Fellows was about camaraderie, and I talked to a lot of amazing and creative people. Perry Chen amazecamaraderiecreative Change image and share on social
I like to hang on to cars. I'm not one of these guys that goes flipping cars all the time. If I find a car I like, I stick with it. Bill Engvall carfindflip Change image and share on social
We're full all the time. And people do have good success and I think one of the programs at the center, the Continuing Care, helps them with their success. Because it's difficult the first year. Betty Ford carecentercontinue Change image and share on social
I can act. I've been acting for a long time, but like anything else, don't nobody owe you nothing. You've go to pay your dues. You go from A to Z; you don't go from M to Z. Bernie Mac actduehave Change image and share on social
If I get incensed about some injustice, you can't make me - I will not just going to sit at my desk, at my computer all the time. I - I might want to march out on that. Barbara Ehrenreich computerdeskincense Change image and share on social
It was very difficult when I was trying to figure out how to have a marriage and babies and do this at the same time. There was no handbook. You were making it up as you went along. Pat Benatar babydifficultfigure Change image and share on social
I try to create songs that are really massive and intense, but at the same time remaining honest and raw. Zola Jesus createhonestintense Change image and share on social