I have a lot of gay friends, and some have not come out, and... it just hurts me that there are some people who can't feel like they can be themselves because society is not accepting to them. I literally see their happiness deprived. Tia Mowry acceptdeprivefeel share on social
What I think is key is everybody has to approach a relationship from a realistic standpoint. Everybody has stuff in the back of a trunk. The key is what kind of stuff can you deal with. There are some women who can deal with a relationship that I can't. Tia Mowry approachbackdeal share on social
We try to be conscious of the amount of trash we have. Having a water filter allows us to be aware of not using too many water bottles. Since I am not able to hand wash due to my schedule, I use Seventh Generation laundry detergent, and I feel less guilty. Tia Mowry amountawarebottle share on social
Men are men. I've been married to my husband for eight years now; we've been together for 16 years. And I've found that all I have to do is keep him fed and loved, and he's the happiest person. Men just want to be full, watching their basketball game and enjoy some hugs and kisses. Tia Mowry basketballenjoyfeed share on social
On Mother's Day, I like to feel pampered. I like to feel celebrated. I like to feel honored. I like to feel glamorous. Tia Mowry celebratedayfeel Change image and share on social
People want to know how we do it as moms. I want to inspire moms to get back in the kitchen. I want to show moms that not only is it great to have your kids eat healthy foods as opposed to McDonald's, but it's great to bring the family back together. Tia Mowry backbringeat share on social
I think that you may find that Tamera's a little more vibrant and energetic, but I'm much more likely to go up to a person and say, 'Hi, I'm Tia, nice to meet you.' Whereas Tamera is like... well... she's a little shy. She's down to earth. I'm more extroverted and she's more introverted when meeting people. Tia Mowry earthenergeticextrovert share on social
I'm a huge fan of Morris Chestnut. I grew up with Morris, and I know him personally. Tia Mowry chestnutfangrow Change image and share on social
Garlic is an essential, and so is this thing called Bragg's Liquid Aminos. It's like a soy sauce, but it's gluten-free and healthier. It's a great condiment and something I always keep in my pantry. Tia Mowry aminosbraggcall Change image and share on social
I remember when I was like, 'I want to get another shot.' And some of the other actors on 'Sister, Sister' were like, 'Do you know that's like a 1%, 2% chance for you to get another successful show? That just doesn't happen.' But whenever I hear, 'No,' or 'You can't,' something inside of me just goes, 'Oh no, yes I can!' Tia Mowry actorchancehappen share on social