The importance of an artist is bringing new signs into a language. Steve Sabol artistbringimportance Change image and share on social
I have loved football as an almost mythic game since I was in the fourth grade. To me, the game wasn't even grounded in reality. The uniform turned you into a warrior. Being on a team, the mythology of physical combat, the struggle against the elements, the narrative of the game. Steve Sabol combatelementfootball share on social
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's not being noticed. Steve Sabol noticestandthing Change image and share on social
I blew the college boards, and to ease the snub from Harvard made a tour of Europe. Steve Sabol blowboardcollege Change image and share on social
Look at a football field. It looks like a big movie screen. This is theatre. Football combines the strategy of chess. It's part ballet. It's part battleground, part playground. We clarify, amplify and glorify the game with our footage, the narration and that music, and in the end create an inspirational piece of footage. Steve Sabol amplifyballetbattleground share on social
We see the game as art as much as sport. That helped us nurture not only the game's traditions but to develop its mythology: America's Team, The Catch, The Frozen Tundra. Steve Sabol americaartcatch Change image and share on social
The autumn wind is a pirate. Blustering in from sea with a rollicking song he sweeps along swaggering boisterously. His face is weather beaten, he wears a hooded sash with a silver hat about his head... The autumn wind is a Raider, pillaging just for fun. Steve Sabol autumnbeatbluster share on social
When we started NFL Films, there were no focus groups, there were no demographic studies, there were no surveys. Every decision that we made, we made with our hearts, not with our heads. And, in the very beginning, we really didn't even have a business plan. Steve Sabol beginbusinessdecision share on social
So they talk about heaven, and I don't know what is waiting for me up there. But I can tell you this: Nothing will happen up there that can duplicate my life down here. Nothing. That life cannot be better than the one I've lived down here, the football life. It's been perfect. Steve Sabol duplicatefootballhappen share on social
I've always been fascinated by Picasso and how he would look at a single image through multiple perspectives and from separate moments in time. He would look at a woman's face and he would see almost a three-dimensional look even though it was a flat canvas. I thought, well why couldn't we do the same thing with a football play? Steve Sabol canvasdimensionalface share on social