If you're a musician and an artist, you don't just stop. Siobhan Fahey artistmusicianstop Change image and share on social
I consider the Stooges to be pop music. Siobhan Fahey musicpopstooge Change image and share on social
I'm a crap guitarist and I find it really hard writing on my own. Siobhan Fahey crapfindguitarist Change image and share on social
I watched my mother waste her life on housework and swore I'd never do that. Dave does the cooking. Siobhan Fahey cookdavehousework Change image and share on social
This is what I am. I have periods of enormous self-destructive depression, where I go completely off my trolley and lose all sight of reality and reason. Siobhan Fahey completelydepressiondestructive Change image and share on social
I've always craved to belong to somewhere, but I never have and never will. Siobhan Fahey belongcravehave Change image and share on social
I never belonged anywhere. I just felt like a creature from another planet. Siobhan Fahey belongcreaturefelt Change image and share on social
If you suffer from depression, anything that makes you feel has to the most important thing in your life, because it's the only thing that can save you. Siobhan Fahey depressionfeelimportant Change image and share on social
Depression scares people off. It makes me laugh that it has that kind of effect. Siobhan Fahey depressioneffectkind Change image and share on social
I'm still grappling with all the things most people resolve by the time they're 35. Maybe that's why I make music that is relevant to young people. I'm emotionally stuck at the age of 13. Siobhan Fahey ageemotionallygrapple Change image and share on social