The only man who has stolen my heart is my son. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes heart man son
When you have adversity and you have pain, you never feel more alone than you do at that moment. And you can be surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people. Sandra Bullock adversityfeelhundred Change image and share on social
Women are like ovens. We need 5 to 15 minutes to heat up. Sandra Bullock heatminuteoven Change image and share on social
Everything works out the way the universe wants it to work out. Sandra Bullock universework Change image and share on social
It took me realizing that a broken heart has never actually killed anyone to find the courage to ask for what I want, in just about every situation. That was part of my own growing up. Ginnifer Goodwin breakcouragefind Change image and share on social
Why do men fight who were born to be brothers? James Longstreet bearbrotherfight Change image and share on social
Under the previous regime of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, I was detained. So was my wife, Serkalem Fasil. She gave birth to our son in prison in 2005. Eskinder Nega birthdetainfasil Change image and share on social