Being on the set of 'Super 8' was a very fun and relaxed environment. Ryan Lee environmentfunrelax Change image and share on social
When I was 6, I saw a commercial that Jessica Simpson was in, and that was the first time I felt my little heart flutter. Ryan Lee commercialfeltflutter Change image and share on social
I haven't experienced anything paranormal yet, but I did see what I think was a meteor light up the sky in a flash of red for a few seconds. That was really cool. Ryan Lee coolexperienceflash Change image and share on social
The Trevor Romain Foundation is a project that I am most proud to be a part of. They work with the USO and help provide support and comfort to military children and their families. Ryan Lee childcomfortfamily Change image and share on social
I really like knowing secrets, and once I do know that secret, I can keep it. But if I'm on the outside and I don't know the secret, that's a different story. I will try with all my power to get the secret out of the person who knows. Ryan Lee knowpersonpower share on social