I'm not intelligent enough to be a doctor, and kind of hands down you can't argue with the worth of that. But I don't really have an opinion about the worth of making art. Rupert Friend argueartdoctor Change image and share on social
I really love living in cities where the people living above, below and next to you are from totally different worlds to you. Rupert Friend citylivelove Change image and share on social
I grew up in the countryside in the middle of nowhere in England and got out as soon as I could! Rupert Friend countrysideenglandgrow Change image and share on social
My auditions for drama school were miserable, but one thing I had on my side, although I had no experience or skill or training, was that I wanted to learn everything. Rupert Friend auditiondramaexperience Change image and share on social
I think that the process of trying to become somebody else, and obviously the director/actor relationship in trying to do that, is such a weird, undefinable thing. Rupert Friend actordirectorprocess Change image and share on social
It's great to sit and talk about the films and the people I work with, rather than where I buy my socks or whatever. Rupert Friend buyfilmgreat Change image and share on social
The accent in England can change literally from street to street, and people have this sort of feudal tribalism whereby you can identify somebody's provenance by their voice. Rupert Friend accentchangeengland Change image and share on social
My father started his own business, and before that was a freelance lecturer, and my friends are artists and musicians; they don't have real jobs - none of us have real jobs. Rupert Friend artistbusinessfather Change image and share on social
'On the Road' completely changed the way I looked at what you could do with your life. Rupert Friend changecompletelylife Change image and share on social
I think that what drives most of us as human beings is the want for something. You might have a hope, or a big dream, or a goal that you haven't yet achieved. Rupert Friend achievebeingbig Change image and share on social