My first buildings, when I was about 30, were rejected for aesthetic reasons. Peter Zumthor aestheticbuildingreason Change image and share on social
I grew up in a craftsman's home, where things were done with our own hands. I did cabinetmaking for four years and I hated it. Peter Zumthor cabinetmakecraftsmangrow Change image and share on social
I think space, architectural space, is my thing. It's not about facade, elevation, making image, making money. My passion is creating space. Peter Zumthor architecturalcreateelevation Change image and share on social
I am convinced that a good building must be capable of absorbing the traces of human life and taking on a specific richness... I think of the patina of age on materials, of innumerable small scratches on surfaces, of varnish that has grown dull and brittle, and of edges polished by use. Peter Zumthor absorbagebrittle share on social
In a society that celebrates the inessential, architecture can put up a resistance, counteract the waste of forms and meanings and speak its own language. Peter Zumthor architecturecelebratecounteract Change image and share on social
I've built two wooden houses near Vals. I built them for my wife. Those were private projects. Peter Zumthor buildhavehouse Change image and share on social
I think the chance of finding beauty is higher if you don't work on it directly. Beauty in architecture is driven by practicality. This is what you learn from studying the old townscapes of the Swiss farmers. Peter Zumthor architecturebeautychance share on social
I design for the use of a building and the place and for the people who use it... the reputation for arrogance comes because when work is offered to me, I look whether I can find a genuine interest in quality. Peter Zumthor arrogancebuilddesign share on social
If I look at history, it seems that most wars and most cruel things have been done by men and not by women. Peter Zumthor cruelhistoryman Change image and share on social
What I try to do is the art of building, and the art of building is the art of construction; it is not only about forms and shapes and images. Peter Zumthor artbuildconstruction Change image and share on social