I can't worry about the consequences of what I do; that's not my job. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes consequence job worry
Salvador Dali, lying on his deathbed in a stupor, is said to have been fed thousands of sheets of blank paper to sign for fake lithographs. Peter Landesman blankdalideathbed Change image and share on social
When you're researching something for a movie, you get a very different kind of reaction than when you're researching something for an article for 'The New York Times.' Peter Landesman articlekindmovie Change image and share on social
Sometimes, in a fictional story, you can be more honest and truthful, actually. As a journalist, you're a prisoner of the data, in effect. You have to tell the story with evidence you can verify. Peter Landesman datumeffectevidence Change image and share on social
So, for example, if a child is labeled as having a learning disability, it has very concrete consequences for the kinds of services and potentially accommodations that child will get. Robert Sternberg accommodationchildconcrete Change image and share on social
I studied international relations and economics at the University of Virginia. I paid my way by working as a bartender in the summer and at three part-time jobs during the year. Jacqueline Novogratz bartendereconomicsinternational Change image and share on social
Being a pop star is something I don't think I'm very good at. I'm worried it's making me too paranoid, because all of a sudden, life has become this constant assessment. When you put something out there and people get to hear it, then those people react to it, socially, culturally. Laura Mvula assessmentconstantculturally share on social