It gets a bit boring talking about the same thing for a hundred years. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes bite bore hundred
Ever since I was quite young, I was in St. John's Ambulance or the Red Cross; latterly, I've been involved in voluntary work with the mentally handicapped and Abbeyfield Old People's Homes. Nicholas Winton abbeyfieldambulancecross Change image and share on social
I respond very easily to outside events. One's life is a matter of chance. Nothing that you've arranged for yourself works out. Nicholas Winton arrangechanceeasily Change image and share on social
I work on the motto that if something's not impossible, there must be a way to do it. Nicholas Winton impossiblemottowork Change image and share on social
If you can change three lives in 10, three lives in a hundred, that's got to be good, hasn't it? Ian Botham changegoodhundred Change image and share on social
I am convinced that the reason so many fans leave Dodger Stadium after the seventh inning is that they become bored. Armand Deutsch boreconvincedodger Change image and share on social
I was a bit challenged when I was younger to stay on the right path. Dwayne Johnson bitechallengepath Change image and share on social