Robert Johnson? No, I didn't know him, personally. Muddy Waters johnsonpersonallyrobert Change image and share on social
You get a heck of a sound from the church. Can't you hear it in my voice? Muddy Waters churchhearheck Change image and share on social
Man, you don't know how I felt that afternoon when I heard that voice and it was my own voice. Muddy Waters afternoonfelthear Change image and share on social
Saturday night is your big night. Everybody used to fry up fish and have one hell of a time. Find me playing till sunrise for 50 cents and a sandwich. And be glad of it. And they really liked the low-down blues. Muddy Waters bigbluecent share on social
I went to school, but they didn't give you too much schooling because just as soon as you was big enough, you get to working in the fields. I guess I was a big boy for my age. Muddy Waters agebigboy Change image and share on social
I was always singing the way I felt, and maybe I didn't exactly know it, but I just didn't like the way things were down there-in Mississippi. Muddy Waters feltmississippising Change image and share on social
Of course that was my idol, Son House. I think he did a lot for the Mississippi slide down there. Muddy Waters houseidollot Change image and share on social
Our little house was way back in the country. We had one house close to us, and hell the next one would've been a mile. If you got sick, you could holler and wouldn't nobody hear you. Muddy Waters backclosecountry Change image and share on social
Now that I'm gettin' old enough to get some money, I'd like to have some money. I don't get much made, I need to conquer a big chunk of money. Not quit playin' but quit playin' so hard. Muddy Waters bigchunkconquer Change image and share on social
My grandmother, she say I shouldn't be playing. I should go to church. Fially, I say I'm going do this, I'm going do it. And she got where she didn't bother me about it. Muddy Waters botherchurchfially Change image and share on social