When a film works, the director had a lot to do with that, but the director also didn't have a lot to do with that. There are so many moving parts. It's really about being open to how the river is flowing and trying to get on the river. Mike Mills directorfilmflow share on social
To be honest, we have no control over what's going on with a movie, much less what people are going to think of it. Your whole life is wound up in it but you don't have control and you have to get used to being on that turbulent plane without trying to fly it. The less you think about all that the better. Mike Mills controlflyhonest share on social
Films are tricky because for years you're getting told you're about to make it and you're about to be busy for four or six months or you're about to be on tour for press. But these things tend not to happen, and meanwhile you've said 'no' to many things 'cause you thought you were going to be busy, for years, for years this happens. Mike Mills busyfilmhappen share on social
I'm not a craftsman of graphics or art or film. I'm more of an idea generator and manufacturer. Mike Mills artcraftsmanfilm Change image and share on social
As someone who grew up in a house where there wasn't a lot of talking, I'm used to just looking at the world. And in general I often feel like I just don't understand what's happening. That everybody else does, but I don't quite get it. Mike Mills feelgeneralgrow share on social
I am definitely writing letters to lots of directors in my mind when I'm making a film. I'm chasing Woody Allen and Godard and Milos Forman and all these people. Mike Mills allenchasedirector Change image and share on social
I think that animals aren't less intelligent than humans, they're just of a different intelligence. We have five million smell-sensitive cells in our nose, they have two hundred and fifty million - they can smell emotion. They can smell different types of emotion, they just have another type of intelligence. Mike Mills animalcellemotion share on social
It's a very sweet and often problematic situation where people feel like they know me and they're concerned for me. It creates these strange little intimate moments. Mike Mills concerncreatefeel Change image and share on social
My graffiti really comes more from a May '68, sort of Situationist vibe than the hip-hop world. I think a real graffiti artist would find me a poser. Mike Mills artistfindgraffito Change image and share on social
Life doesn't just happen; it's constructed through the history of power. And that's something I am interested in and so is the art world: a world that's trying to engage socially, with a leftist slant, to work out how we got here. Mike Mills artconstructengage share on social