And now, once again, I bid my hideous progeny go forth and prosper. I have an affection for it, for it was the offspring of happy days, when death and grief were but words, which found no true echo in my heart. Mary Shelley affectionbidday share on social
A king is always a king - and a woman always a woman: his authority and her sex ever stand between them and rational converse. Mary Shelley authorityconverseking Change image and share on social
Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose - a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye. Mary Shelley contributeeyefix Change image and share on social
What terrified me will terrify others; and I need only describe the spectre which had haunted my midnight pillow. Mary Shelley describehauntmidnight Change image and share on social
The very winds whispered in soothing accents, and maternal Nature bade me weep no more. Mary Shelley accentbidmaternal Change image and share on social
The agony of my feelings allowed me no respite; no incident occurred from which my rage and misery could not extract its food. Mary Shelley agonyallowextract Change image and share on social
Teach him to think for himself? Oh, my God, teach him rather to think like other people! Mary Shelley godpeopleteach Change image and share on social
I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves. Mary Shelley manpowerwoman Change image and share on social
Life is obstinate and clings closest where it is most hated. Mary Shelley clingclosehate Change image and share on social