'Bush v. Gore' gave us a president who lost the popular vote, eventually appointed two more justices, and led us into a war of choice while failing to regulate a financial system dependent on toxic mortgage-backed derivatives. Marvin Ammori appointbackbush share on social
The Internet is one of the most revolutionary technologies the world has ever known. It has given us an entire universe of information in our pockets. Marvin Ammori entireinformationinternet Change image and share on social
Facebook refuses to let Google index or display content from its site. Facebook has partnered with Bing to make its results more social. Is Facebook acting to leverage its dominance in social towards a dominance in search? Marvin Ammori actbingcontent share on social
Thinking about free speech brought me to media regulation, as Americans access so much of their political and cultural speech through mass media. That led me to work on the FCC's media ownership rules beginning in 2005 to fight media consolidation, working with those at Georgetown's IPR, Media Access Project, Free Press, and others. Marvin Ammori accessamericanbegin share on social
Being a 'monopoly' is not illegal, nor is trying to best one's competitors through lower prices, better customer service, greater efficiency, or more rapid innovation. Marvin Ammori competitorcustomerefficiency Change image and share on social
The current FCC chairman, Tom Wheeler, is highly regarded, but some distrust him because he is the former head lobbyist of both the cable and wireless phone industries. He's also made some statements suggesting he doesn't understand or opposes network neutrality. Marvin Ammori cablechairmancurrent share on social
Both Republicans and Democrats can agree that more choices and lower prices in transportation would benefit consumers. Democrats would consider it 'smart government' and Republicans 'limited government.' Marvin Ammori agreebenefitchoice share on social
In the post-industrial economy, ideas and great minds often provide far greater return on investment than any other resources or capital investments. Marvin Ammori capitaleconomygreat Change image and share on social
Net neutrality sounds wonky and technical but is actually quite simple. It would keep the Internet as it has always been - cable and phone companies would remain mere gateways to all sites, rather than gatekeepers determining where users can go and what innovators can offer them. Marvin Ammori cablecompanydetermine share on social
In 1984, the Federal Trade Commission released a report that explained why taxis could charge customers exorbitant prices for dismal service. The simple reason, according to the 176-page study: lack of competition in the market. The culprit: local governments. Marvin Ammori chargecommissioncompetition share on social