I hope I'm an individual. I suppose an eccentric is a super individual. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes eccentric hope individual
Perhaps an eccentric is just off centre - ex-centric. But that contradicts a belief of mine that we've got to be centrifugal. Margaret Rutherford beliefcentrecentric Change image and share on social
You never have a comedian who hasn't got a very deep strain of sadness within him or her. Every great clown has been very near to tragedy. Margaret Rutherford clowncomediandeep Change image and share on social
Film actors are, by nature, more complicated than stage actors. Margaret Rutherford actorcomplicatefilm Change image and share on social
Do I sometimes hope I wake up in the morning and people are like, 'What's wrong with her? She looks emaciated.' Of course I would love that. I'm such a clothes whore, I would love the opportunity to be a hanger. But I think I'm more confident than I've ever felt in my life. Melissa McCarthy clotheconfidentemaciate share on social
Now I'm old... maybe I'm still an eccentric hippie. There's a wonderful freedom in the eccentricity - you can go places, you can be wacky, and you don't have to be constrained. I think that's why people are eccentric - eccentricity is a weapon... and it's great! Sylvester McCoy constraineccentriceccentricity share on social