I have great respect for Sandra Day O'Connor. She has broken so many barriers for women in the law, and was a master negotiator and pragmatist in her days on the Supreme Court. Kyrsten Sinema barrierbreakconnor Change image and share on social
I was just born involved in politics. My family is conservative Mormon, and so I was born - although the Mormon faith is not inherently political, their faith requires some political stands, and those are ones that I happen to disagree with vehemently - so I was just political from a very early age. Kyrsten Sinema agebearconservative share on social
A huge dollar bill is the most accurate way to teach children the real motto of the United States: In the Almighty Dollar We Trust... Until the average American realizes that capitalism damages her livelihood while augmenting the livelihoods of the wealthy, the Almighty Dollar will continue to rule. It certainly is not ruling in our favor. Kyrsten Sinema accuratealmightyamerican share on social
I lived for two years in an abandoned gas station with no running water and no electricity after my parents got divorced and my stepdad couldn't get a job. So I think a lot about families like mine who were middle class and struggled. So that experience really drives my philosophy. Kyrsten Sinema abandonclassdivorce share on social
I didn't really have an interest in politics when I first entered the workforce. What I wanted to do was help people who grew up like me. When I was a kid growing up in Tucson, my father lost his job and we lost everything - including our home. We lived in an abandoned gas station for two years until we were able to get back on our feet. Kyrsten Sinema abandonbackenter share on social
While I am grateful for the friendships and relationships that I have with my Republican colleagues, it would be naive to pretend that those friendships will change the way that major policies are enacted in Arizona. Kyrsten Sinema arizonachangecolleague share on social
As you know, I did not support the United States' engagement in Iraq and have long had concerns about Afghanistan... But I obviously have always been 100 percent supportive of our military. Kyrsten Sinema afghanistanconcernengagement Change image and share on social
Bisexuals are gay people - we're all gay. Some people don't like that. Kyrsten Sinema bisexualgaypeople Change image and share on social
The number one thing I will take with me is my experience as a social worker who saw what happened to families who couldn't find jobs, struggled to take care of their health and saw opportunity slipping away for their kids. I ran for Congress because politicians were fighting with each other instead of looking out for these families. Kyrsten Sinema carecongressexperience share on social
My parents are very conservative. They taught me the value of hard work - don't depend on other people, do it yourself. Kyrsten Sinema conservativedependhard Change image and share on social