Sometime I write a song off a central idea, instead of emotion. Ken Hill centralemotionidea Change image and share on social
The prime goal of an author is the same as a musician, which is to emotionally connect with the reader in some way or another. Ken Hill authorconnectemotionally Change image and share on social
Sometimes just getting out of the house and doing something you haven't done in a long time (or never done!) can open up the doors to musical inspiration. Ken Hill doorhouseinspiration Change image and share on social
I have come up with very creative ideas that really didn't work with the song I was currently composing. Ken Hill composecreativeidea Change image and share on social
Music is about textures as well as melody. Ken Hill melodymusictexture Change image and share on social
If you are making music for other people, you will have to be aware of how people relate to it. Ken Hill awaremakemusic Change image and share on social
Hooks need to be predictable and not predictable at the same time. Ken Hill hookpredictabletime Change image and share on social
Music is an art form too. Sometimes other forms of art can be inspiring to the musician. Ken Hill artforminspire Change image and share on social
Location is a very important aspect to songwriting. Ken Hill aspectimportantlocation Change image and share on social
The most important thing is that you like the music. Ken Hill importantmusicthing Change image and share on social