The only genius that's worth anything is the genius for hard work. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes genius hard work
Most people are so busy knocking themselves out trying to do everything they think they should do, they never get around to what they want to do. Kathleen Winsor busyknockpeople Change image and share on social
The king appeared... with his dogs and sycophants behind him. Kathleen Winsor appeardogking Change image and share on social
Charm is the ability to make someone else think that both of you are pretty wonderful. Kathleen Winsor abilitycharmmake Change image and share on social
I would've done anything to work with Satyajit Ray. Nimrat Kaur haveraysatyajit Change image and share on social
It's good to like yourself, and that only comes from hard work, from doing. But vanity is dangerous; it can trip you badly. Pierce Brosnan badlydangerousgood Change image and share on social
The free sharing and teaching of open source is incompatible with the notion of the solitary genius. Golan Levin freegeniusincompatible Change image and share on social