Stage is the most exciting. Film is lovely, because it's like a family. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes excit family film
My grandmother lived with us for a short time while I was a child. Old people tend to be slightly more eccentric - they can behave the way they want. Julie Walters behavechildeccentric Change image and share on social
In order to be creative you have to be allowed to fail. Julie Walters allowcreativefail Change image and share on social
I keep seeing myself in my daughter, and I see my mother in me and in her. Bloody hell. Julie Walters bloodydaughterhell Change image and share on social
If I can add, say, 10 great new violin concertos to the repertoire before I'm done, that will be truly exciting. Leila Josefowicz addconcertoexcit Change image and share on social
The importance of heart health became very real for me when my father died of heart disease seven years ago. Having experienced the loss first hand, I am inspired to do everything I can to break the cycle and prevent families from losing loved ones to this preventable disease. Monica Potter agobreakcycle share on social