My role models were childless: Virginia Woolf, Jane Austen, George Eliot, the Brontes. Joyce Carol Oates austenbrontechildless Change image and share on social
One writes to memorialize, and to bring to life again that which has been lost. Joyce Carol Oates bringlifelose Change image and share on social
Mark Twain was very unhappy with himself for various reasons. He was very unhappy with America of this time. He thought it was terrible we had no anti-lynching laws, and he was also a feminist, and he was also very concerned with anti-Semitism. He was a good man, but he was hard on himself. Joyce Carol Oates americaanticoncern share on social
Most people think that a widow is inhabiting some elegiac world of - it's like Mozart's 'Requiem Mass.' You know, it's very beautiful and elevated thoughts and some measure of dignity. I didn't have that experience at all. I had one pratfall after another. Joyce Carol Oates beautifuldignityelegiac share on social
If a book I've committed myself to review turns out to be 'disappointing' I make an effort to present it objectively to the reader, including a good number of excerpts from the text, so that the reader might form his or her own opinion independent of my own. Joyce Carol Oates bookcommitdisappoint share on social
Princeton is quite integrated. Women are professors at Princeton. Women are students at Princeton. That began in the 1970s. Joyce Carol Oates 1970sbeginintegrate Change image and share on social
I always rewrite the very beginning of a novel. I rewrite the beginning as I write the ending, so I may spend part of morning writing the ending, the last 100 pages approximately, and then part of the morning revising the beginning. So the style of the novel has a consistency. Joyce Carol Oates approximatelybeginconsistency share on social
I haven't any formal schedule, but I love to write in the morning, before breakfast. Sometimes the writing goes so smoothly that I don't take a break for many hours - and consequently have breakfast at two or three in the afternoon on good days. Joyce Carol Oates afternoonbreakbreakfast share on social
Our enemy is by tradition our savior, in preventing us from superficiality. Joyce Carol Oates enemypreventsavior Change image and share on social
I don't teach literature from my perspective as 'Joyce Carol Oates.' I try to teach fiction from the perspective of each writer. If I'm teaching a story by Hemingway, my endeavor is to present the story that Hemingway wrote in its fullest realization. Joyce Carol Oates carolendeavorfiction share on social