I cannot imagine stopping singing. It is so nice that I even do it as a hobby. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes hobby imagine nice
I have thrown chairs, but only during football matches. Generally, I am well-behaved. I do not like to make people angry. Jose Carreras angrybehavechair Change image and share on social
At first we got along real well. Now... it's pretty much just a professional relationship. Jose Carreras prettyprofessionalreal Change image and share on social
Everybody, even me, sometimes had to compromise on something, doing things we know to be wrong, and this happens doing whatever job in the world. But a singer must have the courage of saying no. Jose Carreras compromisecouragejob Change image and share on social
I am so tired of ruggedly handsome heroes. I don't know too many ruggedly handsome people who are necessarily nice people. In fact, the beautiful people have a big handicap because they rely too much on their appearance and don't bother to become interesting. Barbara Mertz appearancebeautifulbig share on social
I studied psychology for a couple of years as a personal hobby, so you start learning about people and listening to your intuition, like when you you're feeling that people are not being entirely straight with you. Afrojack couplefelthobby share on social
The historical novelist has to consider what has actually happened, while the SF writer is dealing in possibilities, but they are both in the business of imagining a world unlike our own and yet connected to it. Pamela Sargent businessconnectdeal share on social