Stop at home. Arm for Ireland. Fight for Ireland and no other land. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes arm fight home
For years and years I have done the work I was born for. James Larkin bearworkyear Change image and share on social
Therefore it is essential that some means should be sought whereby the work of the nation may be carried on without constant yet at present necessary dislocation. James Larkin carryconstantdislocation Change image and share on social
The souls you have got cast upon the screen of publicity appear like the horrid and writhing creatures enlarged from the insect world, and revealed to us by the cinematograph. James Larkin castcinematographcreature Change image and share on social
Recently, I was in Bernalda, my dad's ancestral home town in Italy. He has just refurbished a palazzo and turned it into a hotel, so we had my sister's wedding there. It was beautiful. Roman Coppola ancestralbeautifulbernalda Change image and share on social
We continue to be exasperated by the view, apparently gaining momentum in certain circles, that armed robbery is okay as long as nobody gets hurt! The proper solution to armed robbery is a dead robber, on the scene. Jeff Cooper apparentlyarmcircle share on social
Women ought to be fully guarded by law in all rights of property, labor, profession, etc.; but, roughly stated, the voting population ought to represent the fighting population. John Boyle O'Reilly fightfullyguard Change image and share on social