Government on its own is always inefficient. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes government inefficient
We have two programs dealing with bulletproof vests, two different systems of actually distributing bulletproof vests from the federal government. Two sets of applications, two different sets of personnel to approve those applications. James Lankford applicationapprovebulletproof share on social
My focus has always been: I can be an incredibly conservative, principled idea person, but that doesn't mean I have to shout at people. James Lankford conservativefocusidea Change image and share on social
As a Christian, Israel has a very special place in my heart. There's no question about that. I grew up with a Bible, and the back of the Bible has all these pictures of Israel in it. And so all these locations are incredibly significant to me personally in my faith. James Lankford backbiblechristian share on social
The market is incredibly inefficient and capable on rare occasions of being utterly dysfunctional. And people have a really hard time getting their brain around that fact. They want to believe that it's approximately efficient almost all the time, and it simply isn't true. Jeremy Grantham approximatelybraincapable share on social
The government has once again made the right socially acceptable. Elfriede Jelinek acceptablegovernmentmake Change image and share on social