Startling, and alarming to many, is the conclusion that follows from these data that if all people were treated the same, most average race differences would not disappear. J. Philippe Rushton alarmaverageconclusion Change image and share on social
I was born in Bournemouth, England, in 1943. J. Philippe Rushton bearbournemouthengland Change image and share on social
Nonetheless, much has been learned by studying the statistical differences between the various human races. J. Philippe Rushton differencehumanlearn Change image and share on social
Of course, individuals vary greatly within each racial group and should be treated as such. J. Philippe Rushton greatlygroupindividual Change image and share on social
Blacks in the Caribbean, Britain, Canada and sub-Saharan Africa as well as in the United States have low IQ scores relative to whites. J. Philippe Rushton africablackbritain Change image and share on social
On average, the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese are more similar to each other and are different from Australians, Israelis and the Swedes, who in turn are similar to each other and are different from Nigerians, Kenyans, and Jamaicans. J. Philippe Rushton australianaveragechinese share on social
Sometimes it is claimed by those who argue that race is just a social construct that the human genome project shows that because people share roughly 99% of their genes in common, that there are no races. This is silly. J. Philippe Rushton argueclaimcommon share on social
Race differences show up early in life. J. Philippe Rushton differenceearlylife Change image and share on social
Each race (or variety) is characterized by a more or less distinct combination of inherited morphological, behavioral, physiological traits. J. Philippe Rushton behavioralcharacterizecombination Change image and share on social
Those objecting to the concept of race argue that the taxonomic definitions are arbitrary and subjective. J. Philippe Rushton arbitraryargueconcept Change image and share on social