Either your understanding of the meaning of music is there from the beginning or it is not. Gordon Getty beginmeanmusic Change image and share on social
I'm a terrible singer, but it helps when I have to call a taxi. Gordon Getty callhelpsinger Change image and share on social
I don't think events in your life affect your music. Gordon Getty affecteventlife Change image and share on social
I was in Paris at an English-language bookstore. I picked up a volume of Dickinson's poetry. I came back to my hotel, read 2,000 of her poems and immediately began composing in my head. I wrote down the melodies even before I got to a piano. Gordon Getty 000backbegin share on social
I feel that I belong to the 19th century. Some composers' music is very topical. It almost says, 'This is about what I read in newspapers yesterday.' Not mine. Gordon Getty 19thbelongcentury Change image and share on social
I've had every advantage in the world, despite the 18 years of silence which were nobody's fault but mine. Gordon Getty advantagefaulthave Change image and share on social
My music is all about an idealistic human personality. I have 19th-century ideals. Gordon Getty 19thcenturyhuman Change image and share on social
The Getty family has been fully supportive throughout this situation, and for that, I am very grateful. Gordon Getty familyfullygetty Change image and share on social
If you have more money than you need, you have to give it away. It's a duty. I get to choose whom to sponsor, and I like to give to the areas that I know something about. Gordon Getty areachooseduty Change image and share on social
I personally do not write highbrow music. If I do, it's by accident. Gordon Getty accidenthighbrowmusic Change image and share on social