I think I related more literally to the early 'Spider-Man' comics from Steve Ditko because it could be upfront and direct about the problems of being a kid. He captured being a teenager so beautifully. Gilbert Hernandez beautifullycapturecomic share on social
When you're young you don't know anything, but you have lot of energy to express yourself. So you make a lot of mistakes and you stumble, but you also get a lot of truth from within. Gilbert Hernandez energyexpresslot Change image and share on social
I grew up being really insecure and dumped on, over-feeling certain things in a negative way. So I thought I had something to prove. Gilbert Hernandez dumpfeltgrow Change image and share on social
I happen to think Latinas, Latin women, are the most beautiful women in the world. So that's what I'm going to draw. I love women from all cultures, of course, but if I was going to deal with any of them, that would be No. 1 for me. Gilbert Hernandez beautifulculturedeal share on social
In the old days, I just could not leave characters alone. Now I just try to keep the ones that still have something in the way of stories to tell. Gilbert Hernandez characterdayleave Change image and share on social
I felt like challenging myself and challenging my readers with something darker and heavier. I don't know how to explain it, because I'm not a political person. I have two political stories, and that's it: 'Human Diastrophism' and 'Poison River.' Gilbert Hernandez challengedarkdiastrophism share on social
We grew out of the superhero comics, but we still liked comics, so we started putting our own experiences in the stories we were doing for our own amusement. Gilbert Hernandez amusementcomicexperience Change image and share on social
I always felt I was living in two worlds. One was the Mexican world, because nearly everybody I knew, relatives and cousins and kids in the neighbourhood, were Mexican. Then school was a different world. It was ethnically mixed. Gilbert Hernandez cousinethnicallyfelt share on social
We thought everybody read comics. We didn't know we were weird. We didn't know people that collected comics were strange. It was as normal as listening to rock music on the radio. Gilbert Hernandez collectcomiclisten Change image and share on social