Fame is short-lived, and you're the last to know when you are no longer hot. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes fame hot live
The old dog, if not assaulted, does not bite. Edward Asiminei assaultbitedog Change image and share on social
Kill the one who rebukes you with the truth, and glorify the one who honors you with a lie! Edward Asiminei glorifyhonorkill Change image and share on social
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller beautifulfeltheart Change image and share on social
Over the next few years the boardrooms of America are going to light up with hot flashes. Gail Sheehy americaboardroomflash Change image and share on social
It is only when you watch the dense mass of thousands of ants, crowded together around the Hill, blackening the ground, that you begin to see the whole beast, and now you observe it thinking, planning, calculating. It is an intelligence, a kind of live computer, with crawling bits for its wits. Lewis Thomas antbeastbegin share on social
Fame is very corrosive and you have to guard very strictly against it. Edward Norton corrosivefameguard Change image and share on social