The only failure is not to try. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes failure
There is something very unsettling about being with someone when they die. People say it's peaceful. It's not peaceful. It's the most personal thing you can do, is die, and you feel almost like you're invading someone's most personal moment by being there. George Clooney diefeelinvade share on social
I don't know if winning at any cost is wrong or not. There are times I've thought that the end justified the means. George Clooney costendhave Change image and share on social
When you're young you believe it when people tell you how good you are. And that's the danger, you inhale. Everyone will tell you you're a genius, which you are not, and if you understand that, you win. George Clooney dangergeniusgood share on social
The old dog, if not assaulted, does not bite. Edward Asiminei assaultbitedog Change image and share on social
Kill the one who rebukes you with the truth, and glorify the one who honors you with a lie! Edward Asiminei glorifyhonorkill Change image and share on social
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller beautifulfeltheart Change image and share on social
There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes; its what we do with them that's important. Jim Rohn colordigitimportant Change image and share on social