Beyond the hype, style, and speculation, the truth is that the iPad is really just another tablet device. A really big PDA, where a touchscreen does what a laptop's keyboard used to do. Douglas Rushkoff bigdevicehype Change image and share on social
Imagine what it would be like if you didn't know that the evening news was funded primarily by 'Big Pharma.' You would actually believe the stuff that they're saying. You might even think those are the stories that matter. Douglas Rushkoff bigevenfund share on social
The industrial age was not about craftspeople trading peer to peer. It was about stopping that. You weren't supposed to be a craftsperson, you were supposed to be an employee. Douglas Rushkoff agecraftspeoplecraftsperson Change image and share on social
When things begin accelerating wildly out of control, sometimes patience is the only answer. Press pause. Douglas Rushkoff accelerateanswerbegin Change image and share on social
New content online no longer requires new stories or information, just new ways of linking things to other things. Or as the social networks might put it to you, 'Jane is now friends with Tom.' The connection has been made; the picture is getting more complete. Douglas Rushkoff completeconnectioncontent share on social
A currency designed for long-term storage and investment doesn't do so well at encouraging transactions and exchange in the moment. Douglas Rushkoff currencydesignencourage Change image and share on social
I went to Cal Arts and AFI, and I worked on 'Bonfire Of The Vanities.' I got this grant from the Academy to be Brian De Palma's apprentice director. And it was such a harrowing, disillusioning, awful experience. Douglas Rushkoff academyafiapprentice share on social
Social media is itself as temporary as any social gathering, nightclub or party. It's the people that matter, not the venue. So when the trend leaders of one social niche or another decide the place everyone is socializing has lost its luster or, more important, its exclusivity, they move on to the next one, taking their followers with them. Douglas Rushkoff decideexclusivityfollower share on social
Time has always been used against us on a certain level. The invention of the clock made us accountable to the employer, gave us a standard measure and stopwatch management, and it also led to the requirement of interest-bearing currency to grow over time, the requirement of the expansion of our economy. Douglas Rushkoff accountablebearclock share on social
Online advertising may not be much more successful than an old double-barrel, but - like a good spray of buckshot - it makes up for its lack of accuracy with sheer volume. There are 10 unique ads listed with every Gmail message in your queue, each tied to the message content. And a paying sponsor. Douglas Rushkoff accuracyadvertisebarrel share on social