I can tell you categorically that we at 60 Minutes did not pay Michael Jackson one cent. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes categorically cent jackson
Let's give the conventions back to the politicians. If we think there's any news, we can tack it on afterward as commentary. But the conventions should be their show, not ours. Don Hewitt afterwardbackcommentary Change image and share on social
Confrontation is not a dirty word. Sometimes it's the best kind of journalism as long you don't confront people just for the sake of a confrontation. Don Hewitt confrontconfrontationdirty Change image and share on social
Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. Marilyn Monroe centdollarfifty Change image and share on social
I don't know who's worse with little boys, Mario or Michael Jackson. Dustin Diamond badlyboyjackson Change image and share on social
There's this notion out there - and it's a categorically false notion - that the only business model in the service industry is the minimum-wage business model. I say phooey to that. You go to a Costco store, and you see people there who've been working there for years and years. They're making $15, $20 an hour, plus health benefits. Thomas Perez benefitbusinesscategorically share on social