You have to search for the best writer - I'm not saying I'm the one, but it's a bad idea to just find the person who is a copycat of Stieg Larsson. David Lagercrantz badcopycatfind Change image and share on social
My life as an author has always been about brilliant, odd people. David Lagercrantz authorbrilliantlife Change image and share on social
I was so obsessed by Lisbeth Salander and all the characters, but of course if you're going to write a crime novel worthy of Stieg Larsson, you need a plot, don't you? David Lagercrantz charactercrimelarsson Change image and share on social
The beautiful thing is I have sort of grown up. I don't care if I'm highbrow or not anymore. David Lagercrantz anymorebeautifulcare Change image and share on social
I want to be read, and I certainly want to sell, but I also see my father's eye from Heaven: 'Always write quality. It doesn't matter if you sell; if it's good, it's good - if you capture the complexity of life.' David Lagercrantz capturecomplexityeye share on social
My father was this huge, influential intellectual in the '60s and '70s. He was one of the main players in the cultural discussion in Sweden, the editor of papers. David Lagercrantz 60s70scultural Change image and share on social
I've always been interested in people who think out of their time, and I have this passion, actually, for science. I'm just so enormously interested in how, when you think of these revolutionary ideas, other people get threatened, especially if you are different. David Lagercrantz enormouslyhaveidea share on social
There is no money in the world that would compensate me for writing a lousy book. David Lagercrantz bookcompensatelousy Change image and share on social
I said from the start I had to be trustful of the Millennium universe. It was not going to be a Stieg Larsson book, but my interpretation of his iconic characters and universe. David Lagercrantz bookcharactericonic Change image and share on social
I have this reporter's temperament still in me - I thrive under pressure. David Lagercrantz pressurereportertemperament Change image and share on social