The only problem with Republican principles is no one's following them. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes principle problem republican
The issue is the Republican Party has been paying too much attention to Wall Street and not enough attention to Main Street. Dave Brat attentionissuemain Change image and share on social
The media does play a vital role in our democracy, and if we cannot depend on journalistic ethics, the nation's in trouble. Dave Brat democracydependethic Change image and share on social
Fannie and Freddie made two-thirds of all subprime mortgages. That is not a free market institution. That entity, along with the Fed printing too much money back in '03 and '04, caused the housing collapse. So we need to take free markets seriously. That means we have to put an end to all these tax credits and tax deductions and loopholes. Dave Brat backcausecollapse share on social
It is time to let America be America again. To return freedom to the people. To stand on our founding principles and reject the cynical politics of the Nanny State. Rick Perry americacynicalfound Change image and share on social
After decades spent in rewrite rooms surrounded by other shouting writers, I discovered that I work best alone. I like being in charge of my time, working out the problems according to my own rhythms and being able to nap. That's a big one, the napping on demand! Maria Semple bigchargedecade share on social