The only person to look out for me is me. I've got to make sure Corey Clark is all right. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes clark corey have
I've got to make sure Corey Clark is all right. Corey Clark clarkcoreyhave Change image and share on social
I need to set the record straight for myself. Corey Clark recordsetstraight Change image and share on social
American Idol' is a $900 million-a-year corporation. When you are dealing with that, you can't come off with lies - it's either the truth or nothing. Corey Clark americancorporationdeal Change image and share on social
I would've done anything to work with Satyajit Ray. Nimrat Kaur haveraysatyajit Change image and share on social
I've got to make sure Corey Clark is all right. Corey Clark clarkcoreyhave Change image and share on social
William Andrews Clark was caught in a bribery scandal during a campaign for the U.S. Senate - he was said to describe the Montana legislators this way: 'I never bought a man who wasn't for sale.' Bill Dedman andrewbriberybuy Change image and share on social