In honesty, there are probably a lot of stories that can be told with Batman. I like the idea of him growing older and he can't quite do it as much anymore. Christian Bale anymorebatmangrow Change image and share on social
I tend to stay in character between scenes... to be rather serious on set, but here's why, and I think people will find it surprising. I'm one of the worst 'corpses' on a movie set, which means you can't keep a straight face. You start to get the giggles and you can't stop. Christian Bale badcharactercorpse share on social
I do like taking stuff seriously that a lot of people look at as nonsense. I enjoy the insanity of that. And I like the commitment that is needed for that. Christian Bale commitmentenjoyinsanity Change image and share on social
I'd love to remain a secret and still work, but I also want people to see the movies I'm in and get a higher profile because of that. I like to think that as long as you continue choosing diverse roles, you can avoid becoming predictable. Christian Bale avoidchoosecontinue share on social
In everyday life, my wife is the most wonderful. We're in love with each other beyond belief. Christian Bale beliefeverydaylife Change image and share on social
Certainly I have no attraction to misery. I don't intentionally go for dark. Christian Bale attractiondarkintentionally Change image and share on social
I put on weight like Santa Claus. I just get this belly that kind of extends out. Christian Bale bellyclausextend Change image and share on social
What the hell kind of man decides to dress up as a bat and run around the city? There's got to be something a little bit loose in there. Christian Bale batbitecity Change image and share on social
I'm not an actor that tends to care. I don't ask 'Is this a close up? Is this a master? Is this a wide? What are you doing? If I look up and notice the camera I go 'Oh, it's a big one today, must be an IMAX.' And that's kinda it for me because it doesn't affect what I'm doing. Christian Bale actoraffectbig share on social
I've always felt that I would rather see an actor, writer, or musician's work, rather than actually know the person. If you know too much about an artist, it somehow lessens their ability to do their work as well. Christian Bale abilityactorartist share on social