Short stories, for me, it's like you step inside this brand new car and you drive it and you drive it into a tree and you walk away from it. Kevin Wilson brandcardrive Change image and share on social
Richard Childress and myself have made some important innovations on our cars. Dale Earnhardt carchildressimportant Change image and share on social
We have teams of people working on electric cars. So you never know - you may find Virgin competing with the Tesla in the car business as we do in the space business. Richard Branson businesscarcompete Change image and share on social
I remember when 'The Right Stuff' opened in Hollywood. I got dressed that morning and drove my car down to the theatre that it was playing on, thinking that there would be mobs of people outside. When I looked, there was nobody there. Irwin Winkler cardressdrive share on social
In addition to this, they already have a fuel cell car on the road in Japan. It is subsidized from within the corporation because they are still at a high cost. Maurice Strong additioncarcell Change image and share on social
I've made club songs, and I've made radio songs, and I've made the car songs. T-Pain carclubhave Change image and share on social
A broken transportation system hits Michiganders in the pocketbook. Every year, our friends and neighbors spend millions of dollars on car repairs after driving on crumbling streets. Kerry Bentivolio breakcarcrumble Change image and share on social
The killjoys initiated automobile crash standards so rigorous that we can't buy a car that hasn't been dropped from the top of a phone pole with our whole family strapped inside. P. J. O'Rourke automobilebuycar Change image and share on social
My whole family can talk. They are all car salesmen. They are all funny. P. J. O'Rourke carfamilyfunny Change image and share on social
I like to put on hardcore when I have to clean my apartment, which I hate to do, but it's motivational. I like old heavy metal when I'm outside working on my car. Music has definite functions for me. Peter Steele apartmentcarclean Change image and share on social