You need someone to tell you how to do things like hitting your marks, or driving a car so it looks right or getting out of a car so it doesn't take a million years of screen time. Gary Cole cardrivehit Change image and share on social
Life's too short when you find yourself sitting in a car for four hours every day trying to get from East L.A. to West L.A. to Hollywood and then back to East L.A. Garrett Hedlund backcarday Change image and share on social
When General Motors builds a car, they want to meet the specific needs of many customers. But if they custom-make each car, then it will not be economical. Susumu Tonegawa buildcarcustom Change image and share on social
The fact is that a car used by Gerry Adams and myself during the course of the Mitchell review was bugged by elements within British military intelligence. Martin McGuinness adambritishbug Change image and share on social
The old 7 Series, the E38, was an elegant car, an evolution of the classic BMW look. But it wasn't penetrating the luxury market as we desired. It just didn't have the presence to be noticed. Chris Bangle bmwcarclassic Change image and share on social
Every day I pull into that parking spot that says 'Head Football Coach,' I get out of my car and pinch myself sometimes, just to make sure it's real, sort of like, 'Is this really happening?' Kirby Smart carcoachday Change image and share on social
We should tell our kids to just have fun, participate and not get bent on winning or losing. But every coach, when they say that, they say it tongue in cheek, 'Don't worry about winning': If you win I'll get you ice cream, but if you lose I'm going to pout in the car. Bode Miller bendcarcheek share on social
Not owning a car anymore, I feel like I'm barely an American. I miss it. And I barely ever get to listen to the radio in the car, which is the best place for radio. Ira Glass americananymorebarely Change image and share on social
At least in making an action film, there's always going to be someone who wants to see a car chase. Even if a lot of the people don't like it, there will be a lot of people that do. But bad comedy is just garbage. Jason Statham actionbadcar share on social
My first car was a '56 Ford station wagon - cost 100 bucks. Cheech Marin buckcarcost Change image and share on social