Environmentalists have a very conflicted relationship with their cars. Tom Arnold carconflictenvironmentalist Change image and share on social
Making a new car is so expensive that the risk factor is what takes the unique ideas and keeps reanalyzing them until they become very similar. Charles Pelly carexpensivefactor Change image and share on social
I am so pathetic with machines in real life, it's not a joke. I'd rather walk, or even run, than take the car out myself. I like to be driven around. Yes, I like fancy cars, and fancy bikes, too. It's my dream to learn how to ride one myself, but for now, I am content being driven around. Bipasha Basu bikecarcontent share on social
I definitely I prefer to sing in the car. I don't sing in the shower, maybe its because that's the one time I don't need to talk to anyone so I should just shut up, otherwise I'm just, you know, jibber jabber. Haley Reinhart carjabberjibber share on social
I had some vague memory of visiting Canberra as a lad, when we came up with my father by car. But when I made the long train journey from Sydney to Canberra and arrived at the little stop, I did wonder slightly whether this really was the national capital. John Henry Carver arrivecanberracapital share on social
We believe that business is the engine that drives the car. You've got to build your business base. That means creating more jobs, better paying jobs - that's how you raise your standard of living. That's how you raise your quality of life. That's what funds all the other services people want from government. John Hoeven basebuildbusiness share on social
So the first thing that I thought about was, 'How is this car going to handle?' But then after I'd been driving with it and practicing with it and I accomplished that, then I just kind of sat back. Sean William Scott accomplishbackcar Change image and share on social
I can't listen to music when I'm writing. I like music best in a car or on the train. Nell Freudenberger carlistenmusic Change image and share on social
I live a fairly simple life, and that didn't change much after I sold TechCrunch in 2010. I didn't buy a new house or even a new car. The one thing I did splurge on was a boat. Nothing too fancy or large. Michael Arrington boatbuycar share on social
I've never revved my car at a light for an attractive woman or an auto-rival, not even as a joke. Penn Jillette attractiveautocar Change image and share on social