My whole career has been trying to please people in basketball. Now it's time to please myself. Candace Parker basketballcareerpeople Change image and share on social
I'm very stubborn. I feel like I'm going to play this season. Candace Parker feelplayseason Change image and share on social
Male athletes don't get dropped when they father kids. Candace Parker athletedropfather Change image and share on social
What's so special about this team is that we all have the same mentality, this sort of, 'We've been knocked down, let's get back up' mentality. Candace Parker backhaveknock Change image and share on social
I wouldn't mind being the female MJ. I want to have major crossover appeal. Candace Parker appealcrossoverfemale Change image and share on social
The Sparks have always been committed to success and making the right moves to build upon their rich tradition in the WNBA. Candace Parker buildcommitmake Change image and share on social
It will be exciting to have my child share my career and to remember what I was like when I was young. Candace Parker careerchildexcit Change image and share on social
From my first dunk at 14 years old to my second NCAA Championship at the University of Tennessee, my intense training with my dad was always to credit. Candace Parker championshipcreditdad Change image and share on social
I don't think I would take the game with the same mentality that I do now if I hadn't been injured. Candace Parker gameinjurementality Change image and share on social