The only direction Obama has the economy moving is backward. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes backward direction economy
Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations. Bob Beauprez commitmentdedicateeducation Change image and share on social
Barack Obama likes to point to General Motors as the poster child for the job creation success of his economic policies. However, whatever your sentiments about the government's bailout of General Motors, for every job Barack Obama 'saved-or-created' in the U.S. there were two jobs off shore. Bob Beauprez bailoutbarackchild share on social
The examples of the Obama Administration 'stimulating' jobs everywhere on the planet except here in America are endless. Bob Beauprez administrationamericaendless Change image and share on social
There may be some backward countries where the mass of the people are on a subsistence level and where, as an aftermath of wars or partial crop failures, the standard of living has to be drastically reduced, but this certainly is not the case in our prosperous nations. Charles E. Wilson aftermathbackwardcase share on social
President Obama's view of a free economy is to send your money to his friends. My vision for a free enterprise economy is to return entrepreneurship and genius and creativity to the American people! Mitt Romney americancreativityeconomy Change image and share on social
I get a kick out of watching a team defense me. A player moves two steps in one direction and I hit it two steps the other way. It goes right by his glove and I laugh. Rod Carew defensedirectionglove Change image and share on social