Steadman! Any guy that's got Oprah as a girlfriend, I mean that's a good dude. I want to talk to him. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes dude girlfriend good
I have the iPad and I love Words With Friends. Billy Bush friendipadlove Change image and share on social
100 million iphones don't lie. What an amazing man. He is the apple of all of our i's. We have an i everything and its all so amazing. Billy Bush amazeappleiphones Change image and share on social
We have a saying in my house, my kids and my girlfriend. We say, 'Be your best for the greater good, and rock out wherever you are.' Michael Franti girlfriendgoodgreat Change image and share on social
It is good to be in front of the lens to appreciate more being behind the lens. Carine Roitfeld frontgoodlens Change image and share on social
Boxers, man, except when I have to get dressed up. Then it's boxer-briefs. But never tighty-whities. Never. But dude! If they brought back Underoos? Dude, if they brought back Underoos, I would rock the Underoos. Like He-Man and Transformers and G.I. Joe and even like Dukes of Hazzard. Colin Hanks backboxerbrief share on social