I have great respect for directors who know what they're doing. Bill Mumy directorgreatrespect Change image and share on social
I get bored doing one thing only. I've been very lucky to explore a lot of different artistic territory and I don't see why I won't continue on that path. Bill Mumy artisticborecontinue Change image and share on social
I had my guitar at the set of 'Lost in Space' every day. I was the only one in the cast who had a stereo in his dressing room. So while I was in school or when I was in there working with Dr. Smith and the robot, half the rest of the cast was in my trailer listening to their records that they would bring. Bill Mumy bringcastday share on social
I think 'Lost in Space' certainly shifted from being an ensemble adventure series about a family facing the unknown alien environment to this trio of comedians - Dr. Smith, the Robot, and Will Robinson being the straight guy. It definitely changed its tone over the three seasons and 84 episodes we did. Bill Mumy adventurealienchange share on social
Babylon 5 is probably the biggest, most ambitious television science fiction series ever made. It's one big novel told over five years with 110 different stories told within it. Bill Mumy ambitiousbabylonbig Change image and share on social
I'm very lucky to work in so many different arenas of the entertainment industry and I do enjoy them all, but making music - original music - in the studio or live onstage is definitely my favorite thing to do. Bill Mumy arenaenjoyentertainment share on social
And of course, I absolutely loved making Lost in Space as a kid. Bill Mumy absolutelykidlose Change image and share on social
I bugged my mom and dad to 'get me inside the television set' when I was about four years old. Bill Mumy bugdadinside Change image and share on social
I was in Redwood for almost six years. It was an acoustic trio that I still think was the best band I've ever been a part of. We do have a double CD of the Redwood stuff available called 'Lost But Not Really.' I'm very proud of the old Redwood stuff. Bill Mumy acousticbandcall share on social
From the age of four, I was a huge comic fan and still am. When Lost in Space came along it was like being in a huge comic so we jumped at the chance of being part of that project and it proved to be a good choice. Bill Mumy agechancechoice share on social