When I finished touring 'Fur and Gold,' I was just like, 'What am I doing? What do I have? Where is my home?' I didn't really know where it was, so I went to New York to try and make it there. Bat for Lashes finishfurgold Change image and share on social
Dad was an amazing storyteller and illustrator, which he did in his spare time - very inspiring and dramatic. Bat for Lashes amazedaddramatic Change image and share on social
I usually speak with all my drummers so that I write my songs with them in mind, and we'll have bass sounds, choir sounds, and then you can multi-task with all these orchestral sounds. Through the magic medium of technology, I can play all kinds of sounds - double bass and stuff. Bat for Lashes baschoirdouble share on social
I always think that the exceptional people are those who remain outsiders but still communicate on a grand scale. I think I want everyone to feel more free, and so I feel really claustrophobic on behalf of lots of people. Bat for Lashes behalfclaustrophobiccommunicate share on social
The creative part of your brain needs to be stimulated. Sometimes you get blocked in the thing you do, because there's so much pressure to do it. Bat for Lashes blockbraincreative Change image and share on social
The first album I started out, I just did everything completely alone. I think it has to do with confidence. The more confidence you develop in your own sound, the more you can open up and alchemize that with other people, just set it free, and not feel challenged by that. Bat for Lashes albumalchemizechallenge share on social
I feel empathy for people who are trapped in a prison of self-consciousness in an uncomfortable way. We can be free, but we're so held back. So perhaps that's why I feel a duty to make my work. I feel liberated when I'm doing it, and I want other people to feel liberated through it. Bat for Lashes backconsciousnessduty share on social
I was brought up by the English side of my family, who are very repressed and working class. Absolutely lovely, but very English. Bat for Lashes absolutelybringclass Change image and share on social
I don't like to be too submissive in the way I dress. I like quite boyish things, so I hardly ever wear high heels. Bat for Lashes boyishdressheel Change image and share on social
All of the art that I love is about peeling back layers and delving into something that's in a subconscious or dream realm. People like Jan Svankmajer, or the artist Yoshimoto Nara, or David Lynch. Bat for Lashes artartistback Change image and share on social