Newport Center has become a Mediterranean town. The climate here is the same as the Mediterranean's, and so is the architecture. This center exudes a radiance, an energy. It will become a special way of life for everyone. Donald Bren architecturecenterclimate share on social
When I started designing in school, I discovered that I had a knack for it. I fell completely in love with architecture, and I remain in love with it. Cesar Pelli architecturecompletelydesign Change image and share on social
Every building is a prototype. No two are alike. Helmut Jahn alikebuildprototype Change image and share on social
The terrifying and edible beauty of Art Nouveau architecture. Salvador Dali architectureartbeauty Change image and share on social
To me... San Francisco is an ideal city, intellectually stimulating and naturally beautiful. The oceans and forests are close enough to refresh the spirit; the architecture is always exciting. Ruth Bernhard architecturebeautifulcity Change image and share on social
There is still a real need for good quality architecture, not paper architecture, but the real stuff. Peter Zumthor architecturegoodpaper Change image and share on social
Architecture to me is whole. I cannot say I only care about this 25% and the other 75% I let go... it's just I want to work the way I want to work. In my shop, you can order certain things and other things you cannot. They are not available. Peter Zumthor architecturecareorder share on social
Architecture is a living thing. If I want to leave something to the future, it has to be able to change - but retain something of the ethos that we built up over 50 years. Richard Rogers architecturebuildchange Change image and share on social
The dialogue between client and architect is about as intimate as any conversation you can have, because when you're talking about building a house, you're talking about dreams. Robert A. M. Stern architectbuildclient Change image and share on social
There are a lot of questions about whether architecture is art. The people who ask that think pretty tract houses are architecture. But that doesn't hold up. Frank Gehry architecturearthold Change image and share on social