My favourite singer ever in the world is Ari Up from The Slits. Her voice is amazing to me. It's carefree, but it's also really amazing. Shamir amazearicarefree Change image and share on social
I always find it amazing that people get mad because they can't figure out my gender. Even though my only job here is to create art, I think being a genderless figure... it shakes people. And when that happens, it makes me feel like I'm doing my job. Shamir amazeartcreate share on social
I like making pies. I have a bunch of fruit trees in my backyard. My loquat tree sprouted, and I like making loquat pie. They're really hard to peel and everything, and it took me forever, but they make the best pies. They're amazing. Kristen Stewart amazebackyardbunch share on social
I've seen myself do stuff on stage that was pretty amazing. I think that would be true for any athlete. Any top athlete will see something that they are very proud of. All my injuries will attest to the fact that besides being a musician, it comes down to being an athlete. Paul Stanley amazeathleteattest share on social
When I came to University of California, San Francisco to work on infectious disease, I looked around to different options, and malaria was particularly interesting and fascinating to me. It's amazing that after 100 years of study of this little parasite, we've not been able to effectively control it. Joseph DeRisi amazecaliforniacontrol share on social
The most amazing philanthropists are people who are actually making a significant sacrifice. Bill Gates amazemakepeople Change image and share on social
I've worn dresses from all different price ranges, and the thing that couture dresses have in common is that the fit is amazing. Beyonce Knowles amazecommoncouture Change image and share on social
I love watching amazing actors and actresses that you can't take your eyes off of because everything they are doing - even if it is just twiddling their thumbs or scratching their eye - it's just interesting. Sara Paxton actoractressamaze share on social
Personally I had the opportunity to go on several ride alongs with the LA County Sheriff's Department with some amazing detectives, who were invaluable to me. Nancy McKeon alongsamazecounty Change image and share on social
You don't have a lot of time; you have to get it right. It's amazing how they create these episodes in such a short amount of time. They lavish a lot of care and money on each episode, and they just look terrific. Margot Kidder amazeamountcare share on social