I cannot stress enough that the answer to life's questions is often in people's faces. Try putting your iPhones down once in a while, and look in people's faces. People's faces will tell you amazing things. Like if they are angry, or nauseous or asleep. Amy Poehler amazeangryanswer share on social
I've learned that while I'd be a fool not to stay open to the advice and experiences of the smart, amazing people in my life, I also need to listen to what I have to say. Alicia Keys adviceamazeexperience Change image and share on social
I studied classics, and I find it mystifying that we had Medea and Electra and Antigone and all these amazing characters, and they don't really exist in cinema now. The only person who's really doing it, and he gets loads of criticism for it, is Lars Von Trier. Alice Lowe amazeantigonecharacter share on social
The best days I have are usually days where I'm out in the woods and something happens, like I see an amazing animal like a fox, or I get a glimpse of a wild pig or something that I never see. Or crazy things happen. Amy Ray amazeanimalcrazy share on social
I think a lot of actors need validation. If you see truly amazing actors perform, they expose themselves to such an incredible degree. You can really see their pain. Alex Kingston actoramazedegree Change image and share on social
The amazing thing is that the more money it takes for a movie to get made, the more you feel like everybody wants you to fail. Alfonso Cuaron amazefailfeel Change image and share on social
I just enjoy working with really wonderful actors and amazing creative people and I hope to keep doing that, no matter where. Stana Katic actoramazecreative Change image and share on social
I agree Maria Blasco has achieved amazing things with telomerase induction and we are hopeful this will translate to the human model. Liz Parrish achieveagreeamaze Change image and share on social
Everyone says TV's going down the tubes, and it's all reality, but there's some really good writing and some amazing opportunities if you're lucky enough to throw your hat in the ring. Lindsay Price amazegoodhat Change image and share on social
I love MySpace; it's done an amazing job for me and it's been insane over the past couple of weeks, but I'm not a poster girl for them. Lily Allen amazecouplegirl Change image and share on social