You're not going to get off the couch and be at some amazing fast pace or burn crazy amounts of calories, but you have to start somewhere... Eventually, you'll get there. Jennie Finch amazeamountburn Change image and share on social
It's hard not to love Roomba. Roomba had such an amazing impact on the field. When we launched, we asked people, 'Is it a robot?' and got an overwhelming no - 'robots' have arms and legs; they command data. There was a very strong perception that robots had to look like people. Colin Angle amazearmask share on social
I grew up in L.A. I actually grew up in the Valley, which was a pretty amazing place to grow up because everybody has nice, big backyards, and I was kind of a little nature being. Banks amazebackyardbig Change image and share on social
I would say my dream collaboration would probably have to be with Drake. I think he is an amazing artist. Austin Mahone amazeartistcollaboration Change image and share on social
I want to be like Tom Cruise from 'The Outsiders' and go on and do amazing movies for a long time. Ashton Kutcher amazecruiselong Change image and share on social
You can do anything and be a star. You can dress like however you want, and you can do whatever you want. If you wanna wear meat suits like Lady Gaga, good. She's freaking amazing! She's doing that, and she's unbelievable. I can wear T-shirts and still be great, too. So that's just what I'm proving to people. Alessia Cara amazedressfreak share on social
When you get pregnant, you start reading pregnancy books. Everything has been pretty textbook. It's amazing how they can say, 'This week, this might happen,' and it kind of does. I had typical nausea the first trimester, which was no fun. And extreme tiredness. Anna Silk amazebookextreme share on social
There is something about the South that accepts the supernatural. If you don't accept it and you're having a conversation with someone who does, it's just one of those polite things where you don't question their belief in ghosts. You just go, 'Oh, yeah, okay.' It's amazing to be able to have conversations like that. Alice Englert acceptamazebelief share on social
I hope that Los Altos is one of the first cities to have self-driving cars, and if that's true, well, awesome, because there's a lot of parking lots that we could get rid of and use for parks. That would be amazing! Anne Wojcicki altoamazeawesome share on social
I don't know what my next dream role gig is, but I have so, so many shows that I'm like, 'Oh my God, can I guest star on 'New Girl?' Like, that would be amazing!' Allison Tolman amazedreamgig Change image and share on social