The only people I really hate are parking attendants. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes attendant hate park
When Princess Diana died, I couldn't understand why people were mourning her death in such an enormous, hysterical way when they didn't actually know her for real. Alison Jackson deathdianadie Change image and share on social
You can watch a little bit of war from your nice living room - 30 seconds of what's going on in Syria - and when you've had enough, switch over to some celebrity programme. We live our life through screens and images in this way, and we don't know what is real or fake anymore. It doesn't matter. Alison Jackson anymorebitecelebrity share on social
Because Bin Laden's culture doesn't permit the worship of images, they understand how powerful images are. We wouldn't have thought of creating a visual bomb. In a way, he's chopped down two iconic buildings, and used our very truth imagery, to express himself. It's fascinating... I mean, dreadful. Alison Jackson binbombbuilding share on social
I hate the bad rap that people give my parents. Because they are just parents, really, at the end of the day trying to stand up for their daughter and themselves. Lindsay Lohan baddaughterday Change image and share on social
This was 1978, when flying was still an occasion, a special grand event that took planning and care. I worked as a TWA flight attendant then. I stood in my Ralph Lauren uniform at the boarding door and smiled at the passengers through lips coated with lipstick that perfectly matched the stripe on my jacket. Mostly, the passengers smiled back. Ann Hood attendantbackboard share on social
Rosa Parks' entire career has been one as working as a civil rights activist. Douglas Brinkley activistcareercivil Change image and share on social