When I look back at many of the moments of wonder, awe, or terror that I've got from science fiction, it's often been because I've been put in the head of one of the characters. Alastair Reynolds awebackcharacter Change image and share on social
I'm always a little bit cautious around invented terminology because so much science fiction is off-putting to the uninitiated. You open up the first page, and it's full of all these made-up words. Alastair Reynolds bitecautiousfiction Change image and share on social
I'm not a morning person: I can't function until I've had a coffee - or several. Alastair Reynolds coffeefunctionhave Change image and share on social
We've had science fiction novels where China is dominant; we've had novels where India is dominant, and I suppose it's all about getting away from that cliched old tired idea that the future belongs to the West. Alastair Reynolds belongchinaclich share on social
I'm still bothered by the threat of nuclear war. Alastair Reynolds bothernuclearthreat Change image and share on social
One of the big breakthroughs I had as a writer was when I stopped agonising over every word. Alastair Reynolds agonisebigbreakthrough Change image and share on social
I've never had much interest in spinoffery - the idea of writing in someone else's universe generally leaves me cold - but 'Doctor Who' is different. I've grown up with it. It's been part of my life since I was tiny, watching Jon Pertwee on a grainy black and white television in Cornwall and being terrified out of my mind. Alastair Reynolds blackcoldcornwall share on social
I prioritise story over science, but not at the expense of being really stupid about it. Alastair Reynolds expenseprioritisescience Change image and share on social
I couldn't ever write a straight crime novel: there'd be an intrusion of weirdness at some point. Alastair Reynolds crimeintrusionpoint Change image and share on social
I think the danger with using the term 'trilogy' is that it sets up particular expectations in the reader's mind. Alastair Reynolds dangerexpectationmind Change image and share on social